If you are using a small computer screen for your courses, you will want to watch the following video to learn how to make more space on your screen by docking the Sidebar blocks.

Video: Sidebar Blocks—Making More Space

Watch the video below.  You can follow along with the PDF of the video script posted at the bottom of this solution.



INSTRUCTIONS: Sidebar Blocks—Making More Space

The following points explain how to use the icons associated with sidebar blocks:

  • Minus Sign: minimize a block
  • Plus Sign: expand a block
  • Left Arrow: dock a block
  • Block Right Arrow: undock the block
  • Right Arrow (bottom of dock): undock all blocks


Challenge: Practice Making More Space

Go to the Moodle Sandbox main page and practice minimizing, maximizing, docking and undocking sidebar blocks until you feel comfortable using these Moodle features.

CLICK HERE to return to the TUTORIAL: How to Use Moodle Features (Academic Students)

CLICK HERE to return to the TUTORIAL: How to Use Moodle Features (Extension Course Students)