There are several reasons why a PDF from your course might not open correctly for you. Some of the most common reasons are:
- There is a problem with your computer's PDF reader software.
- The file did not download correctly.
- The link to the PDF is broken.
- The PDF file itself is damaged.
The first two reasons are related to your computer's setup. The second two can only be fixed by SU Tech Support or your instructor. The following information will help you determine what the problem is and how to fix it.
There is a problem with your computer's PDF reader software.
Most browsers come with a built-in PDF reader or have the option of installing a PDF reader add-on or extension. It's a good idea to check and make sure that you have PDF reader software and that it is update. We recommend using Adobe PDF Reader, which you can download from here:
- Chrome:
- Firefox:
- Internet Explorer: (Follow the directions for managing your add-ons, then search for and install a PDF reader add-on.)
- Safari:
Internet Explorer users: If you see a blank page when trying to open a PDF in Internet Explorer 11, try these steps from
The file did not download correctly.
If your PDF reader software is up-to-date, please try the following:
- Open another PDF file in your PDF reader software to make sure that your software is working correctly.
- Close your internet browser and all other programs.
- Restart your computer.
- Open your browser and navigate to the file that you would like to download.
- Try downloading the file again.
- Open the file in your PDF reader software.
Still having problems?
If you are still unable to open the course PDF, then it may be a problem with the PDF file itself. Please contact your instructor or SU Tech Support ( about the PDF that is not working correctly.