If you are a credit student, there will most likely be a due date and time that you need to complete your quiz or exam by.  The due date and time for each quiz (also known as the "close date") is listed in the quiz itself.  This is the date and time that you need to complete the quiz by, unless you have received an extension from your instructor.  It is recommended that you look at the time limit for the quiz and plan accordingly so that you can complete the quiz on time.  (For example, if the quiz time limit is 30 minutes, be sure to start the quiz at least 30 minutes before the close date/time if not before.) 

To view the close date/time of a particular quiz, login to SU Online (Moodle), enter your course, and click on the quiz that you would like to see the close date for.  Open and close dates for quizzes will also appear on your calendar.

IMPORTANT: If your timezone is set up correctly, all dates and times will be listed in your local time.  It is a good idea to check your profile from time to time to make sure that your timezone has been set correctly.

For more information on this topic, watch the Moodle 102 how-to video on Quiz.