Identifying Chats

A chat can be a useful real-time communication tool that your instructor might use in your course.  You can identify chats in Moodle by the following icon:


Video: Moodle Chats

The following video will show you how to use the chat activity in Moodle.  A PDF of the video script is located at the bottom of this solution.





  1. To join a chat, click on the chat link on the course main page.
  2. Read any directions in the chat description, then click Click here to enter this chat.
  3. A pop-up window will open containing the chat.  All chat participants will be shown on the right side of the screen.
  4. To send a message, type a message into the box at the bottom of the window and push the Send button.
  5. To send a message in the chat directly to one of the participants:
    1. Click the Talk link under their name.  A special note will now appear in the message box.
    2. Type your message and click Send.
    3. NOTE: Everyone in the chat will be able to see this message, however it is now flagged for its intended recipient.
  6. When you are ready to leave the chat, close the window.
  7. You can view previously recorded chats by clicking View past chat sessions.


Challenge: Check out the Chat Interface

There is a sample chat located in the Moodle Sandbox.  Go to the Moodle Sandbox and click on the chat link to see and experiment with the chat interface.  Perhaps you will meet a fellow student there too.


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