Identifying Readings
There are two types of online readings that you will encounter in your courses: Pages and Books.  You can identify pages and books by the following icons:


Video: Readings

Watch the following video to learn how to access readings in your courses.  Instructions can be found below the video.  A PDF of the video script is available at the bottom of this solution.





  1. Pages:
    1. To read a page, click on the page link on the course main page.
    2. When finished, click on the course link at the top of the page to return to the course
  2. Books:
    1. To read a book, click on the book link on the course main page.
    2. Use the navigation arrows to move forward and back in the book.  Navigate to a specific chapter in the book by clicking on the link in the table of contents block.
    3. When finished, click on the course link at the top of the page to return to the course.

NOTE: You are welcome to print the materials in Pages and Books for future reference and study.


Challenge: Read a Page and a Book

Go to the Moodle Sandbox and read the Page and the Book that are listed there.


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