Identifying Assignments

You can identify assignments in Moodle by the following icon:



Video: Assignments

The following video shows you how to turn in an assignment in Moodle.  You can follow along with the PDF Video Script attached to this solution at the bottom of this page.  Instructions for how to submit different types of assignments are listed below this video.





  1. In Moodle, click on the link to the assignment that you would like to submit.
  2. Click Add submission.
  3. To submit a file:
    1. Click Add...
    2. Click Upload a file.
    3. Click Browse, then browse to where the file is located on your computer.
    4. Select the file and click Open.
    5. Click Upload this file and the file will appear in the File submissions area.
  4. To submit an online text assignment:
    1. Type your assignment directly into the Online text box
    2. Format the text using the toolbar.  (Click the Toggle Toolbar button to view more formatting options.)
    3. Alternatively, use a word processing program on your computer to compose your assignment first and then paste it into the box using the Paste from Word button.
  5. Click Save changes.
  6. Edit your submission using the Edit submission button.
  7. When you are ready to turn in your assignment, click Submit assignment.
  8. On the confirmation page that appears, click Continue.

Challenge: Submit an Assignment

In the Moodle Sandbox you will find two assignments. Follow the instructions to practice submitting each assignment.



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