
HOW TO: Assignments
Identifying Assignments You can identify assignments in Moodle by the following icon:     Assignment Video: Ass...
Thu, 21 Jul, 2016 at 11:05 AM
How do I submit an assignment, such as a paper?
To submit an assignment in your course, follow these instructions: Login and go to your class assignment. Scroll down the page and you will see a...
Wed, 1 Oct, 2014 at 2:11 PM
What is the difference between the "draft" status and the "submitted" status?
Moodle allows you to upload a draft of your assignment to have something on file by the deadline even if you are not yet completely finished. Draft stat...
Wed, 1 Oct, 2014 at 2:11 PM
It says "Failed to write file to disc" when I try to submit my paper.
This is usually an individual user problem and not a site-wide problem.  Please try the following: Clear your browser history/cache. Restart your...
Wed, 1 Oct, 2014 at 2:11 PM
How do I change or update my assignment draft file to a new file?
NOTE: These instructions will only work for assignments that are in DRAFT status only.  If you need to update or change an assignment file that has already ...
Wed, 1 Oct, 2014 at 2:18 PM
What is the difference between re-submitting my assignment and turning in a second attempt?
When you re-submit an assignment you replace the assignment that you had already turned in with a new one.  This could be a new (or revised) file, new online...
Tue, 27 Jan, 2015 at 8:01 AM
My instructor is allowing me to re-submit my assignment. How do I do this?
If your instructor is allowing you to re-submit your assignment, in most cases he or she will change the status on your assignment from "Submitted"...
Thu, 28 Sep, 2023 at 4:55 PM
My instructor is allowing me to make a second attempt on my assignment. How do I turn in my assignment again?
If your instructor is allowing you to make a second attempt on an assignment, you will turn in the assignment the same way you turned in the first attempt. ...
Tue, 27 Jan, 2015 at 9:14 AM
How do I review my grade from my first attempt on an assignment if I have submitted a second attempt?
 To view grades from previous attempts on an assignment: Login to SU Online (Moodle) and enter your course. Click on the name of the assignment that...
Tue, 27 Jan, 2015 at 9:09 AM
How do I know when my assignment is due?
The due date for each assignment is listed in the assignment itself.  To view this date, login to SU Online (Moodle), enter your course, and click on the as...
Thu, 12 Feb, 2015 at 8:47 AM